
Tag: growing up

A Budget-Friendly Birthday They Won’t Forget

A Budget-Friendly Birthday They Won't Forget There are a couple of times a year that my family has clusters of birthdays and holidays stacked together....

A Letter to my Kindergartener

My biggest boy, my first born, my little big man …. in just a few days, you will start Kindergarten. Gulp. I’m still not...

Self Love :: Raising My Daughter

Learning to love myself is an ongoing process. Some days I know that I am perfectly and wonderfully made, and other days, I would...

Dear Thirties: A Love Letter

Dear My Thirties, First, let me just apologize. For my whole life leading up to this decade, I have been dreading this era. I vaguely...

Why Are We So Afraid?

Do you ever stop and think about how much fear controls us? Fear has consumed most of my life from as far back as...