Letting Go of New Year Resolution Guilt and Starting Over

A client once told me there are two starts to every year, New Years and Labor Day.

The ability to have a do-over in the middle of the year is something I appreciate. I start the year with resolutions, a fresh mind-set, and unwavering energy, but come August, I’m back to just surviving.

Labor Day has become my day to reassess my goals, needs, and health, and start fresh. It’s a checkpoint that allows me cast aside guilt for not following through with my New Year resolutions.

Recently I sat down and brainstormed ways to refresh different aspects of my life. The list below is a little insight into how I plan on approaching the second half of the year. I hope it’s inspiration for you to find where you could use a do-over or recharge your batteries come Labor Day.

Work: Lunch Outside

Mother Nature has a way of filling my soul. Now that Fall is right around the corner, eating outside and taking walks is something I want to introduce into my daily routine as often as possible. When things get busy, I find myself working through my lunch breaks, not looking up until there is no hiding my growling stomach. It’s amazing how draining those days can be.

This Fall, I plan on keeping a picnic blanket and folding chair in my car at all times. Since I can’t avoid all working lunches, I plan on making an effort to take 5 minute walks twice a day to break up my morning and afternoon. My daily goal is to step away from the computer and checklists and let Mother Nature calm my busy brain.

Personal: Wind Down Wednesdays

Ever feel like you are on a parenting treadmill with no way to get off? The never-ending thrill of parenting has you looking forward to weekends, then Mondays, then back to the weekend.

That’s why I am officially implementing Wind Down Wednesdays. One night a week for me, no guilt, no expectations. Reading, games, baths, Yoga, working out, social media scrolling. Whatever I feel like doing, I will allow myself to do with no guilt.

Family: Break Routine

As moms, we all know the importance of routine. Skip a nap or forget their favorite teddy bear at home and the world is ending. While structure for my children can be a great thing, I find sometimes we go on auto-pilot. Days blur into each other and eventually turn into weeks, months, and then years. All of a sudden I look up, and realize we have been reading the exact same book for six months.

My end-of-the-year goal is to either disrupt routines and/or introduce new routines. It can be a small change or big one, but I want there to be some type of “hey, this is new” moment. Whether it be a picnic lunch in the living room, waffles instead of pancakes, or swapping out toys/books, our party of five could benefit from an element of surprise.


What guilt do you have from uncompleted New Year’s resolutions? What aspects of your life could use a little refresh, restore, or recharge?

Let go of New Year’s guilt and give yourself a second chance this Labor Day. It might be just be the do-over you needed.

Tiffanie Pitre is a wife and full-time working mom to a three-year-old (Norah) and one-year-old twins (August and Millie). Tiffanie was born and raised in New Orleans, but has been calling Baton Rouge home since 2004 when she enrolled at LSU. Upon graduating from the design program, she started working at the advertising agency Xdesign, where she now leads the team as Art Director. Tiffanie and her husband Stefan are always looking for new things to do as a family, and never let multiple backpacks, strollers, and bags weigh them down.


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