
Tag: work life balance

Magic Does Exist :: Work-Life Balance

Magic Does Exist :: Work-Life Balance As we enter into the new school year, I am acutely aware of my ability to support my kids...

The Juggling Act {Working Mom Here}

tau·tol·o·gy - the saying of the same thing twice in different words, for example: working mom. When I was little, I remember always having the desire to be...

To Work or Not To Work: The Emotions (Part 2)

So we've talked about the big "question" in Part 1. But more than priorities and finances, what about our emotions? I feel like this...

How Working Works for My Family, Part 1

6:55 am in red letters on the stove clock. “Kids, let’s go. If we don’t hurry up, we will be late.” Now I see 7:00 am...

How Working Works for My Family, Part 2

In Part 1 of my post, I shared our typical day of being a mom and working full-time.  Now, I wanted to take some...